Tech's Oldest Building Gets New Letters

new tech tower letters getting installed

Tech's Oldest Building Gets New Letters

New Letters for Tech’s Oldest Building

By Victor Rogers June 4, 2018 | Above photo by allison carter

Tech Tower has been outfitted with new letters that will be easier to maintain, while keeping the traditional look and feel of the oldest building on campus.

letters go on tech tower

Removal and replacement of the letters on all four sides of the building was completed in less than a week.

“While developing options, we were very sensitive to the character and design of the existing iconic Tech Tower letters,” said Howard Wertheimer, institute architect, Facilities Management. “We are very pleased with the final design and installation, and look forward to having the letters stand tall atop the Lettie Pate Whitehead Evans Administration Building for future generations to enjoy.”

The question on the minds of many alumni and friends of Georgia Tech is: What will happen to the old letters?

The Institute is exploring a number of options and plans to work with the appropriate offices to determine how the letters may be repurposed. As soon as there is an answer, the Tech community will be informed.

In the meantime, the old letters are being kept in a secure and undisclosed location.

tech letters being replace

Breon Elrod of Henry Incorporated, a fabrication and construction company, assists in the installation of the wiring for the new Tech Tower letters.
Photo by Christopher Moore


TECH letters

New T-E-C-H letters are ready for installation.
Photo by Christopher Moore

TECH letters installation

Logan Elrod and Breon Elrod of Henry Incorporated, a fabrication and construction company, move the old letters to be stored. The letters are 4’ tall by 4’ wide.
Photo by Christopher Moore

tech letters in the air

Up, up, and away: a crane lifts the new letters to the top of Tech Tower.
Photo by Christopher Moore

Tech letter replacement

Johnny Goodman of CWI Construction removes the first set of letters from Tech Tower. 
Photo by Christopher Moore

tech letters west side

New letters are put in place on the west side of Tech Tower. All four sides were replaced.
Photo by Brice Zimmerman